The City conducts transportation counts, which counts the numbers of vehicles,
pedestrians, and bicycles moving through an intersection. Counts are typically
conducted every 2 years during the weekday and weekend peak hours. The peak
hours represents the time period where traffic counts are the highest due to worker
commute. Weekday counts are conducted at all City signalized intersections during the
AM Peak Hours (7:00 A -9:00 AM) and PM peak hours (5:30 PM – 7:30 PM) either on a
Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in the Fall (when school is in session). Weekend
counts are conducted during the midday peak hour (1:00-5:00 PM) either on Saturday
or Sunday in the Summer at signalized intersections in the Downtown and Main Street
areas, as these areas tend to experience greater traffic as a result of the tourist/visitor
population on the weekends. The table below provides the number of intersections that
were counted in 2007 – 2013.